Love My Mat Props Alternative Guide

Yoga Props Alternative Guide Part 2

Part two of creatively supporting your yoga practice at home. With the current influx of online yoga classes, and the need to stay home and stay safe, Kelsi Salisbury has put together another guide on making use of what you have at home to support you through your yoga practice.
Yoga Prop Alternatives Guide - Love My Mat

Yoga Prop Alternatives Guide

Yoga instructor, Kelsi Salisbury has teamed up with Love My Mat to demonstrate how you can get creative at home to support your yoga practice by making props with household items.
March 11, 2020 — Shelley Gordon
Building a Restorative Yoga Practice at Home - Love My Mat

Building a Restorative Yoga Practice at Home

Love My Mat customer, Sarah Rogers, shares her experience using our products to help her develop and expand her personal yoga practice.

"I share all this because my practice evolved so much in 2019, and it’s this evolution that led me to Love My Mat... as time passed, I found myself needing to hone more of the quieter practices of yoga and I began taking more restorative classes"

Staying Active & Healthy During Canadian Winter - Love My Mat

Staying Active & Healthy During Canadian Winter

We've shared 8 of our favourite tips for staying active & healthy during the cold winter months. Plus a 12 minute yoga routine centred around a warming breath you can practice outside in any weather. Whether you practice yoga, take cold showers or add vitamin D to your daily routine - one or all of these suggestions can help cure the winter blues.
Creating a Bohemian Inspired Home - Love My Mat

Creating a Bohemian Inspired Home

We love bohemian decor and a boho lifestyle. A bohemian inspired space is globally inspired and embraces the carefree, the relaxed, and the unusual.  Mixing fabrics, colours & textures with natural & vintage elements is totally our jam. So we've gathered some tips on how to incorporate touches of boho into your home.
Floor Sitting: Give Your Body What It Needs - Love My Mat

Floor Sitting: Give Your Body What It Needs

Westerners spend most of our days sitting in chairs that aren't designed to support our bodies well. Get low and get grounded with cushions to support you sitting in a way that promotes health & wellness.
December 02, 2019 — Shelley Gordon
Making Mindful Eating Accessible For Busy Lives - Love My Mat

Making Mindful Eating Accessible For Busy Lives

As a busy, working mom I'm using the rules & guidelines of Mindful Eating to create my own healthy habits around why, what, when, where & why we eat food.
October 28, 2019 — Shelley Gordon
October's Challenge Inspired by Greta Thunberg - Love My Mat

October Challenge Inspired by Greta Thunberg

October's Challenge is all about appreciating & taking care of our precious earth. We'll be reducing our waste, enjoying the outdoors, cleaning up our community and planting more trees in partnership with One Tree Planted. Watch some of Greta Thunberg's videos to get further inspired to make positive changes to improve our environment.
Yoga Bolsters & Blankets for your Home Yoga Practice

The Harvest Home Collection is Coming

Reminisce about our first ever collection of carefully curated pieces to enhance your home, your meditation space & your yoga practice. The Harvest Home Collection is reminiscent of the space between day & night. Where the sun still reflects a golden hue as the sky begins to turn black. 


Home Meditation Space

Checking In With Yourself Before Everyone Else

Simple rules for self-care and social media consumption. Read Love My Mat owner, Shelley Gordon's experience on how one new habit can improve your daily life. 
Open Your Heart to August's Posture Challenge - Love My Mat

Open Your Heart to August's Posture Challenge

Join August's Posture Challenge with simple & effective exercises and poses you can do from home or anywhere. The rough plan is listed here and will be updated with new info at least once a week for the month of August.

Top 4 Infused Water Recipes - Love My Mat

Top 4 Infused Water Recipes

Learn how to easily make healthy, flavourful infused water recipes to help you stay hydrated & healthy. Read the recipes or watch the videos then create these delicious & nutritious drinks yourself.
July 30, 2019 — Shelley Gordon