Yoga for Beginners using Props

What's the Best Yoga for Beginners?

What is the best way to start a yoga practice? Explore all the styles of yoga to find out which one is best suited to you.
April 14, 2024 — Shelley Gordon
Meditation: Where to Start? - Love My Mat

Meditation: Where to Start?

Meditation is not about zoning out; it's about zoning in. The magic of a good meditation cushion makes the seemingly endless minutes of stillness surprisingly bearable.
March 11, 2024 — Shelley Gordon
How many bolsters do I need?

How Many Yoga Bolsters Do I Need?

Love bolsters but not sure where to start when building your prop collection? Read for recommendations on how many bolsters you need for each style of yoga.
February 26, 2024 — Shelley Gordon
How a Bolster Enhances Restorative Yoga - Love My Mat

How a Bolster Enhances Restorative Yoga

Do you love Restorative Yoga? Then you need a bolster for your at home restorative yoga practice or to take with you to your local yoga studio.
November 18, 2023 — Shelley Gordon
How Meditation Improves Sleep - Love My Mat

How Meditation Improves Sleep

Does meditation help improve sleep? We think so! Read on to find out what type of meditations we recommend, what tools you need and how a nightly meditation routine can improve your quality of sleep.
Yoga to Reduce Back Pain - Love My Mat

Yoga to Reduce Back Pain

Got back pain? Try practicing yoga on a regular basis or adding yoga props to support your body as you explore ways to relieve your back pain.
September 08, 2023 — Shelley Gordon
Relieve Knee Pain in Yoga - Love My Mat

Relieve Knee Pain in Yoga

How to relieve Knee Pain while practicing yoga with our signature, flax-filled Knee Pillows.
When to Replace Your Hot & Cold Therapy Bag - Love My Mat

When to Replace Your Hot & Cold Therapy Bag

How long have you had your Therapy Bag for? Did you know you should replace them after 200 uses? Click to read more guidelines for your Hot & Cold Therapy Bags.
August 08, 2023 — Shelley Gordon
Mother's Day Gift Guide - Love My Mat

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Make her feel special, supported and loved with thoughtful gifts that encourage her wellness journey. The best gifts for Mother's Day are those made with love.
Yoga Props for Home Use

Why is Prop Versatility Important?

How you can make the most out of the yoga props you have to support your home yoga practice and your sustainable lifestyle. Love My Mat is helping you be a conscious consumer.
Repair, Recover, or Replace Your Props? - Love My Mat

Repair, Recover, or Replace Your Props?

If you have props that you don't love - don't throw them away - let us update them for you! We will happily repair, mend, re-stuff, re-cover or refill your products so they maintain their life in a way that is supportive to your practice and the earth.
At Home Restorative Sequence - Love My Mat

At Home Restorative Sequence

Our bodies need rest. We love practicing restorative yoga to help enter that state of rest & digest that our bodies crave.  Here is a simple sequence you can complete at home with your Long & Lean Bolster and a set of Blocks.