Yoga with Cats for Relaxation

National Relaxation Day Tips

Our teams favourite relaxation exercises to decrease cortisol levels, increase concentration, improve your mood and reduce stress.
CBD Wellness with Bodega & Love My Mat

Sisterhood & Sustainability with Bodega Wellness X Love My Mat

One of our aims is to help you incorporate mindfulness into your lifestyle through yoga and meditation. CBD oil is another avenue to bring wellness to the forefront of your life. We are now launching Bodega's LAMM CBD Oil Tincture as a shoppable item on our website

Get to know the vision behind Bodega Wellness, our Sisterhood and Sustainability Feature for August. 

How To Find Your Own Voice - Love My Mat

How To Find Your Own Voice

We got together with Lululemon Hamilton to offer a free event for the community. 75 people came together in a guided Group mediation, using bolsters, meditation cushions and chairs. Chris Wilson shares his experience of the event and how we helped him Find His Own Voice through visualization, tapping, movement & more.

A Guide to Using Hand Weights & Sandbags - Love My Mat

A Guide to Using Hand Weights & Sandbags

Up your home yoga practice with 10Lbs Sandbags and 2.5Lbs Hand Weights. It's like having someone adjust you and ground you. Or use them to help increase the intensity of your practice. Either way - you'll love our pre-filled sandbags.
Eye Pillow to help you sleep in savasana

Final Resting Pose - Corpse Pose for Bedtime

Sleeping in savasana has many benefits for your body. Consider laying in corpse pose for bedtime to improve your sleep and overall health.